sábado, 23 de abril de 2016



Negatives in the simple past are formed by adding didn't (informal) or did not (formal) before the simple form of the verb. The verb BE is an exception to this; in the case of BE, we just add n't (informal) or not (formal) after "was" or "were"

for example

Simple past statementInformal negativeFormal negative
I had a car.I didn't have a car.I did not have a car.
You ate my toast.You didn't eat my toast.You did not eat my toast.
He was here yesterday.He wasn't here yesterday.He was not here yesterday.
They were in the park.They weren't in the park.They were not in the park.

Simple past statementYes/no question
He brought his friend.Did he bring his friend?
They had a party.Did they have a party?
You were here.Were you here?
She was sick.Was she sick?

StatementYes/no questionWH- question
The building fell down.Did the building fall down?Why did the building fall down?
They lived in Vancouver.Did they live in Vancouver?Where did they live?
The store was closed.Was the store closed?Why was the store closed?
They were wolves.Were they wolves?What were they?


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